by Tonya Turner Carroll | Jul 12, 2012 | Deborah Oropallo, Hung Liu, Kate Petley, News, Rusty Scruby
We’ve gotten some very good write-ups lately. Kate Petley and Rusty Scruby’s current exhibition Construct was written up by Leanne Goebel in Colorado Creates. Also, we received a great review of the Hung Liu, Deborah Oropallo and Squeak Carnwath show... Read More
by Tonya Turner Carroll | Jun 15, 2012 | Kate Petley, News, Rusty Scruby
We open a fabulous show tonight, Construct. Featuring Kate Petley and Rusty Scruby, this exhibition examines two dynamic and unique artists working with complex and immersive two-and three-dimensional visual planes. Both artists rearrange the obvious to create... Read More
by Tonya Turner Carroll | Dec 7, 2011 | Eric Zener, Jenny Honnert Abell, Kate Petley, Past Exhibitions - Hung Liu, Past Exhibitions – Eric Zener, Past Exhibitions – Jenny Honnert Abell, Past Exhibitions – Kate Petley, Past Exhibitions – Rusty Scruby, Past Exhibitions Old Years, Rusty Scruby
Wow. We had an absolutely stellar fair this year at Scope Miami. Many works by Hung Liu, Eric Zener, Rusty Scruby, Kate Petley and Jenny Abell found collections, including two institutional collections. The atmosphere was electric at Scope this year with thousands... Read More