by Tonya Turner Carroll | Sep 15, 2023 | Past Exhibitions, Uncategorized
Jamie Brunson, Candy Colored Happiness Sunset, 2022, oil, alkyd, and wax on polyester over panel, 48 x 96″ Opening Reception Friday, September 15, 5 – 7 pm In conjunction with the opening of Santa Fe’s new contemporary art museum, New Mexico Museum of Art...
by Michael Carroll | Jan 11, 2023 | Past Exhibitions - Scott Greene, Scott Greene
In conjunction with the last month of the exhibition Wit, Humor, and Satire at the Albuquerque Museum, Turner Carroll Gallery will feature works by Scott Greene in our Canyon Road space. This exhibition wraps January 29, 2023. It is an in-depth exploration of the ways...
by Michael Carroll | May 13, 2020 | Art as a Universal Language, Blog, Library, News
Pablo Picasso – Guernica Painting is a blind man’s profession. He paints not what he sees, but what he feels, what he tells himself about what he has seen.-Pablo Picasso Art is important because it’s part of the story we tell about ourselves; it’s our culture....
by Michael Carroll | Feb 2, 2020 | Past Exhibitions, Scott Greene, Walter Robinson
This is not the first time we have paired Scott Greene and Walter Robinson. This exhibition Herd Immunity, however, is certainly the most opportune. The term itself horrendously clinical and also brilliantly poetic in that the divide between the immune majority and...
by Michael Carroll | Feb 19, 2019 | News, Scott Greene
Scott Greene is featured in the Fabrik Magazine review of “Currency: What Do You Value” at 516 Arts in Albuquerque. Perfect fodder for Turner Carroll favorite writer Wesley Pulkka, the review moves in gigantic sweeps referencing Toho Studio’s 1961 B-movie...
by Michael Carroll | Nov 20, 2018 | News, Scott Greene
Turner Carroll and Scott Greene garnered great press for his exhibition Environmental (Ex)change that runs through November 2018. Presented alongside the 516 Arts exhibition “Currency: What Do You Value?” that includes a new major painting by Scott...
by Michael Carroll | Oct 12, 2018 | Past Exhibitions Old Years, Scott Greene
November 9-30, 2018 Opening Reception Friday, November 9, 5-7pm Scott Greene’s paintings are bold and thoroughly relevant. Greene has always been known as a social commentator, using art historical iconography to signify human impact on the natural world. He has been...
by Michael Carroll | Feb 21, 2018 | News, Scott Greene
Not long after entering the permanent collection of the Albuquerque Museum, Scott Greene was featured on PBS and in High Fructose Magazine. Interviewed by Hakim Bellamy for the NM PBS program ¡Colores!, Scott and Hakim go in to the weeds on what makes Scott tick. You...