Artwork Description
Walter Robinson – Ecstasy
Dimensions: 20.25 x 20.5 x 1″
Year: 2007
Media: MDF, epoxy, metalflake
Edition: 1/2
Walter Robinson’s Ecstasy uses a style reminiscent of pop-art in a work that engages with the permanence of the sculptural material as a means of commentary on the transience of drug-induced happiness. The pastel coloring of the work is comparable to children’s candy, yet the reality of the substance portrayed is often associated with teenage experimentation and adulthood, resulting in a conflicting juxtaposition of mixed messages. In this way, he explores “subconscious societal tendencies”, including the allure of targeted marketing and emotional contentment—even when it stems from an artificial and external source.
Walter Robinson often uses words to make a simple pop statement in his works. The glittery surface and candy colors in his Ecstasy series glamorize the happy drug, promising a better mental state and uplifted mood, by using a tiny pill. This work is a critique of pop culture and how it can make bad ideas seem attractive.
Walter Robinson’s text based works were featured in Albuquerque’s contemporary art museum–516 ARTS, May-July, 20-18.