Shawn Smith and Rusty Scruby News in Abilene Reposter for Exhibition “Art + Science = Wonder” exhibition at The Grace Museum
Turner Carroll artists Shawn Smith and Rusty Scruby are in the news for their exhibition “Deliberate Distraction” at The Grace Museum. The museum’s web site and press download states wonderfully and succinctly “The common misconception that art and science are so vastly different, that they never overlap, is discredited by two contemporary artists, Rusty Scruby and Shawn Smith, whose work proves that the union of these two disciplines, like the brain’s neuropathways between our right (artistic) and left (analytical) hemispheres, is the sweet spot known as creativity.”
The Abilene Reporter News story quotes Smith “My work investigates the slippery intersection between the digital world and reality. Specifically, I am interested in how we experience nature through technology.” He goes on to further state that “I am interested in how each pixel plays an important role in the identity of the object, the same way each cell plays a crucial role in the identity of an organism.” Well done.
31 July 2018