Kelly Eckel – Networks from the soil ecology series


SKU: 33659

Artwork Description

Kelly Eckel – Networks from the soil ecology series

Dimensions: 22.5 x 22.5″ unframed
Year: 2024
Medium: photo-polymer etching

Art has the power to transcend boundaries and evoke emotions. In a world burdened by environmental challenges, I have chosen to embark on a creative journey that explores the delicate balance between the beauty of life on our planet and the urgent need for its preservation. The rapid decline of species in our time due to habitat loss, pollution, invasive species, overpopulation, and overhunting is daunting. I am approaching the subject by learning about working ecosystems and what is needed to bring them back into balance. It is vital to understand the systems in our environment so that we don’t degrade them. My work is an expression of joy that engages me to move through the world in a respectful manner.

These images embody time, possibly more accurately than photographs, which, generally, capture just one moment. I choose to step away from that singular point by collaging multiple moments together. This allows the observer another way to reflect on our multifaceted world, its patterns and the beauty of complex relationships.

The examples shown here are photo-polymer etchings. Photographs that I have captured under the microscope, in my studio, on hikes, and at Natural History collections are collaged into various shapes. I then transform the images using an intaglio method, a labor-intensive and materially beautiful process, using light-sensitive etching plates that are inked and printed.