Douglas Miles – Apache in Wonderland


SKU: 31717

Artwork Description

Douglas Miles – Apache in Wonderland

Dimensions: 32 x 8.25 x 2″
Medium: skateboard deck

Douglas Miles is an artist, photographer, curator, writer, muralist, public speaker, and film director. While Miles works in multiple mediums, he is also an amazing social practitioner and founder of Apache Skateboards, the Apache Skate Team, and helped form the artist collective, Native Agents. Begun in 2002, Apache Skateboards is one of the earlier Native American-owned skateboard companies, and the group gives skating demonstrations, organizes skateboard contests and concerts, and curates art shows around the country especially on Indian reservations in the American Southwest. His work combines traditional and contemporary practices, blending fine art, pop culture, and sport. Miles also recently produced a film “Walk Like a Warrior: The Apache Skateboards Story,” which was co-directed by Douglas Miles and Franck Boistel. He has successfully challenged outmoded categorization of Native American art based on anthropological perspectives, and using his own creativity and personal experience, has captured Native American reality sans the outside romanticism.