Carol Miraben – Turnabout


SKU: 33594

Artwork Description

Carol Miraben – Turnabout

Dimensions: 33.5 x 33.5″ unframed
Year: 2024
Medium: machine stitched commercial fabrics

I began painting 25 years ago and have worked with watercolor, acrylic and mixed media. I detoured to work with textiles five years ago, and that’s where I’ve been ever since. I guess you could say I am a maker at heart!

Composition, design, color, value, texture…. all of the elements of making art apply no matter which medium is used. One of my life’s lessons, which applies when making art, is to trust my instincts and sense of design, and respond to my compulsion to ask ‘what if?’.

My improvisational pieces are inspired by the materials I use, rather than any particular vision. I begin by selecting fabrics that appeal to me. Those choices frequently change as the piece develops.

I converse with the pieces as I work. These dialogues inform the process throughout. My job is to get out of the way and allow the piece to participate – and in many cases – be in charge of my decisions. I am a very curious person, and I hope my work inspires curiosity in others.