Albuquerque Academy is ranked the #5 top independent high school in the United States. Not only is it a world-class academic institution, but it also boasts one of the finest Visual Art Departments in this country. Students are encouraged to think visually and creatively, in addition to thinking critically. Academy students learn to use their eyes and their hands, as well as their minds, and the resulting artwork they create is astounding. This juried exhibition, now in its third year, features artworks by Academy students, chosen by gallerists, art critics, and curators from throughout New Mexico. These works will be available for advance viewing and bidding online at from February 15 to 26 at 4:30 pm, and available for direct purchase in the gallery from February 23-26.
Opening Reception Friday, February 24, 2017 from 5 to 7pm
[n.b. that this event takes place in Santa Fe]